Extreme Acai Berry is promoted with a promise of a free trial. You can view the website and you’ll see that the only way to purchase Acai berry is by signing up for the offer. It simply means that you’ll not get any product unless you sign up for a free trial. At first you may think this is a benefit in your end, but it’s not. Let me elaborate.
First and foremost, offering free trials is a commercial strategy and not some act of charity. It is a way of proving and convincing consumers that the supplement is effective. However, free trials are not free at all. Once you have accepted the offer and filled in the necessary information, what was a “free trial” is added to your recurring billing program. Recurring billing program means that when you sign up for the free trial, they will start to deliver more bottles even without a delivery request. The painful thing about it is that you will still be billed for that.
Retailers say that they are glad to leave off consumers from the program. Most comments about this site may be true but only to a degree. What we have observed during an investigation is that most websites do not have a clearly stated policy and terms while some other sites who have policy and terms are barely noticeable. Since they are barely noticeable, customers skip reading this important part. When you do such things, you are at the losing end, because they have the upper hand in the Extreme Acai Berry rip off program.
It is not surprising that you are given 2 weeks to give your assessment about the product. It will be advantageous for you to start counting down the days when you placed the order. When you add up all the shipping time, you might find yourself a victim of recurring billing program even without perusing the extreme Acai Berry rip off. It will be advantageous for you to stick to only one trial offer.
Acai is known to contain powerful antioxidants that wash away toxins from the body. It is a healthy add-on to your everyday diet that includes fruits and vegetables.Acai has a high ORAC score which proves its high antioxidant content.
Extreme Acai Berry rip off is a product to be avoided. Experimenting on Acai supplements makes sense, but be sure to look for an Acai-based supplement with high quality and moderately priced on the nearest store.
Acai Berry Rip Offs are out there. Before you buy an acai product check out http://www.acai-berry-information.net to make sure you don't get ripped off.
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