Friday, November 13, 2009

Find out More About the Latest Research on Acai Berry Burn

Of all the companies that are selling cheap and of course, low quality Acai Berry products, Acai Berry Burn is considered to one of the most effective ones around. There are also other Acai Berry supplements which have proven to be effective aside from the Acai Bery Burn. Choosing a good one from the entire lot though may be a challenging task for you.

To put these supplements to the test, a group of 10 people were made to try out different weight loss supplements in an isolated condition. There is a good mix of rich ingredients found in Acai Berry Burn. There are other great benefits that people found out with these ingredients apart from losing weight.

The intendment of products like Acai Berry Burn and Acai Burn may be weakened if it is catering to other objectives instead of focusing more on the its weight loss capabilities. The purity of the Acai Extracts in these products can provide you with the best anti-oxidants which cater to your health needs. The fruits of your weight loss labor or plan will be apparent since this product will help you in achieving those, just make sure that you follow the dosage prescribed in the product labels.

Polyphenol, cyaniding and anthocyamin may be considered effective add-ons to any weight loss supplement. Supplements like Acai Berry Burn which has components like those can surely help you achieve your weight loss goal along with other great health benefits. If you are aiming for a clear skin and easy elimination of body wastes, these components will definitely help you achieve these.

Your body can achieve so many wonderful health benefits and shed off unwanted fat through the help of antioxidants found in the Acai Berry. This is the process of how fat is eliminated from the body: Acai Berry breaks and deoxidizes the fats so that it will be digested and dispensed from the body through waste matters. Once the unwanted fats are eliminated, you will notice that you will weigh lighter as you lose at least 4 pounds of your weight.

It should not be too difficult to look for Acai Berry supplements. Many companies create a great hype in order to get these products known. Be careful in purchasing products, though, which foregoes weight loss as the main concern to be targeted and be alert in double checking the product that you are going to purchase.

Find out how Acai Berry Burn helps beat the signs of aging. Visit

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Truth About Acai Berry: What are the Benefits of Taking Acai?

What are the benefits of taking acai? One can achieve through various means his ideal physical health and fitness. You may consider using natural substances that are proven to be effective in helping us lose weight. This planet is a host of various vegetation and some of there chemical compositions are being analyzed by scientists and medical experts. Among these plants is a palm tree growing in Brazil which has eight species and is getting widespread attention. It is nature's gift to those who are searching for a more natural means to reduce their body weight and stay fit. The palm tree that yields an effective weight-loss berry is called Acai. Acai berry is a natural product and has no side effects. You can expect that this fruit can deliver what it promises to provide.

The fruit of this tree is a great source of nutrients which and has been categorized by a certain study in Brazil as the most important plant species on the planet. It consists of major components of diet and its natural composition has made it one of the most demanded product of the century. People suffering from diabetes and other serious illness can benefit from the Acai berry. It is renowned to stabilize our body's blood sugar levels and can provide a very wide range of health boosting qualities

Acai berry is noted in being effective as a dietary supplement. There is much annecdotal evidence that explain what are the benefits of taking acai.Food and pharmaceutical industries have harnessed the benefits of the berry in their production of pills and tablets, juices, smoothies, and instant powdered drinks. There are many manufacturers of acai products. However, it is advisable to do your research to determine which products contain the actual berry itself to avoid being duped.

The benefits of taking acai would include an overall improvement in the performance of our immune system and digestion process, as well as giving us greater levels of energy. You may compare your overall health quality before and after taking acai to gauge for yourself its effectiveness. The improvement of the body's detoxification process, reduction of cholesterol levels, rejuvenation of skin cells, boosting of heart performance, and getting rid of sleeping problems are among the many health beneifts that acai can give. It is abundant with antioxidants that help cleanse our body from contaminants. The effects of acai on one's health can be observed by that individual alone. Acai's claim to fame, however, are its weight reduction effects. Tablets and juices are the most common forms of weight loss products made of acai berry.

Side effects of acai consumption are mild or even non-existent and the berry is being made into coffee and tea products. Its natural contents can help enhance our physical performance.For decades, the people of Brazil have been reaping the benefits that acai berry can bring. The acai berry can be processed quickly and it dissolves within hours. The freeze dried berries are then processed into products that are transported and sold worldwide. What are the benefits of taking acai is best answered on an individual level.

If you're asking "what are the benefits of taking acai?" you should read reviews about this superfood at

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Health Benefits of Acai

The question, “does acai help you lose weight?” will inevitably be the next one to pop out of the people’s mind. The health benefits of acai are widely asserted by the importers and acai product manufacturers. The antioxidant content of acai is such that it is considered to be better than apple, tea and orange, with the short list of pomegranate, blueberry or Concord grapes having higher contents. The various manufacturers of acai products also maintain that the fruit has a great quality of protecting us from high cholesterol levels, colon ailments, diabetes, skin problems and other certain diseases.

The claim that acai berry is one of the most effective antioxidant products available is proliferated by the those who promote the fruit as a weight loss aide. The researches that have been conducted, however, do not corroborate this statement. Though its quality as a good antioxidant may not be questioned, but there are some that happen to be better, cheaper, and more conveniently available than the berry. Thus, the same question, “does acai help you lose weight?”, requires a satisfactory answer. People who promote acai may have pointed out that the fruit could boost your energy and help burn calories but there is no supporting evidence that proves this claim. The fruit’s potency is not magically endowed but is rooted from the abundant nutrients it contains: more nutrients means more energy, which would make you more active and more capable of burning calories for slimming. Even if this were the case, if you eat more calories than you burn, you will not lose weight.

Acai contains colon cleansing properties which contribute to its capacity to help us lose weight. If that is so, then the answer to the question, “does acai help you lose weight?”, is, “yes”. It flushes out from your colon the waste materials that have been trapped. Makers of acai products claim that pounds of waste material trapped inside our colon will be gradually washed out of our system after a week to ten-day treatment of acai berry cleanser. They say that these flushed out waste materials are equivalent to five pounds of body mass that you always wanted to lose. Even if this is true, it doesn’t make acai berry a weight loss product.

Why is the question, “does acai help you lose weight?”, frequently asked by everyone? Is acai’s value exclusively appraised by its weight loss property? The health benefits of acai have been widely reported and properly documented.What is in the fruit are calcium, iron and vitamins E and A, and it is fiber-rich which makes it so nutritious. Antioxidants, monounsaturated fats and essential fatty acids can also be found in abundance with this fruit. What makes this expensive is the fact that since it only grows in South and Central America, it had to be imported. It is only available in tablet or powder form in the US but in the Amazon where it is locally grown, people can have it as fresh as it can be anytime. This might be because of the fact that weight loss products are quite popular which is why people buy them.

The big question now is this: does acai help you lose weight? is this being asked by consumers or the producers of acai berry products? Acai berries is already getting famous these days because of its amazing health benefits and it is great that it is being advertised in the world over knowing what mostly consists the consumer market are overweight. However, there may be no direct effect of such to weight loss.

To read more about health benefits of acai berry please visit

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Origin and Benefits of the Acai Berry Boom

A purple berry native to the forests of Brazil which has been taking the health world by storm with its popularity and demand has long been a part of the Brazilian diet and medication. The acai berry boom as been brought about by the latest enthusiasm in antioxidants. It comes from the acai palm tree that grows in Central and South America in swamps and floodplains. It bears the moniker “fruit that weeps” because it is seething with so much juice and fiber.

Antioxidants arrest oxidization of molecules. Cell are eventually damaged because if the production of free radicals due to oxidation. Oxidation and cell damage all together will be countered by antioxidants. This intricate chemical process can be brought about by one simple berry. According to health researches, the purple berry that comprises the Vital Acai may not be as good as pomegranate, Concord grape, blue berry and red wine in stopping free radicals but it is definitely better than orange, apple and tea. Studies show that the white acai berry contains no antioxidants. There is an added attraction to the acai berry, which is also part of the reason for the acai berry boom in the early part of this century; it is very nutritious.

The natives of Brazil had been consuming these berries in almost half of their staple food. There is no problem about sustaining it economically since it grows in abundance in the region. There are 533.9 calories, 52.2 g carbohydrates, 8.1 g protein and 32.5 g total fat in every 100 g of the acai berry extract. Vitamin C in this product may be exiguous but it is still packed with calcium, iron and vitamins A and E. This is why it is called vital acai; it is not just a flavoring; it is real food that is healthy and nutritious. You can consume it plain or sweetened. Sometimes it is served with granola or tapioca.It can be eaten either sweetened or salted, depending on your preferred taste.

Many marketers of this product are taking advantage of the acai berry boom claims that it aides in better digestion, improves the skin complexion, keeps the heart healthy, sleep and it lowers the cholesterol level. Other go to the extremes as using obviously false claims such as reversal of diabetes and other chronic illnesses just to hype up the promotion of this product. In spite of scams connected with the acai berry, it still remains a delicious, highly nutritious, antioxidant that is available in many forms such as whole berries, juice, smoothies, instant drink powder and tablets. Its nutritional value makes the expense all worth-while and even if you know that it’s not the only way to get antioxidants. No calcium, A or E supplements will be needed if they can be taken in this natural way.

As of now, there might be less clinical studies yet conducted regarding the effects of the acai berry. However, the native Brazilians have been using it for centuries for skin ailments as well as the seeds for a tea for fever. These natives even utilize the berry’s roots, boiling it to serve as medication for menstrual pain and diabetes. The acai berry boom came abaout because of the berry’s great benefits, and this is happening not only in North America but through the entire world in the hope of experiencing the benefits of this amazing fruit.

Get our comprehensive review on the health benefits of Acai Berry Boom and other acai products. Visit